
Your lightworkin’ gifts are powerful AF, and you know it.

But let’s be honest for a moment..

Have you actually FULLY claimed them?

There has NEVER been a more crucial time for coaches, yogi’s, teachers, self-love ambassadors, artists, healers, wellness warriors, writers, energy wizards, creative badasses, and lightworkers to own their power and birth their hearts highest visions into the World.

The only problem is:

You keep doubting that vision,

and yourself. 

Maybe you’re second-guessing if what you’re called to offer the world is big enough, loud enough, worthy enough or shiny enough to truly make the impact you know you are here to make?

Perhaps you’re frustrated AF with yourself for fluffing around and holding back on stepping into your Soul Work (because you know the real magic happens in the DOING, not the dreaming).

I’d say you’re probably pretty sick of feeling litty titty one minute… and litty shitty the next (am I right?)

And bloody hell… a fresh surge of energy, a chance to change your Mrs Serious-head pants for something lighter, and a hefty dose of wisdom to activate the next chapter of your life wouldn’t go astray, would it?!

Here’s another thing or two that might ring true for you…

You’re all fired up and too lit to quit with your dreams one minute, high on life knowing in every cell that you are here to serve and use your gifts to make a positive impact on the world.

You come out the gates blazin’ with an extra spring in your step, hell bent on creating all the epic things and it feels full steam ahead…. until you start to hit a few roadblocks. The momentum slows down. The doubts creep in. You’re doing the cha-cha taking one step forward and 2 steps back. The inner fire starts to run a little low and you’re feeling a bit loosey goosey with your ability to keep showing up and actually make it happen.

You’re at a point where the self-development books and podcast subscriptions ain’t gonna cut it to take you to level of confidence you’re craving where all of your light and radiance gets to rock-the-fuck-out.

Sure, those things have helped you gather all the puzzle pieces and given you the inspiration and soul food to remind you of what’s possible. 

And because of them, you’re so close to opening the floodgates to your own badassery and making your vision a reality.

But there’s just one thing missing….

YOU + the ACTION you know you need to take to start living in the fullest alignment with who you are here to be!

Hold the phone for a second there Trace…WTF is a lightworker?

You might have heard the term lightworker before. In short, lightworkers are souls who have often felt a little different and even misunderstood. We are the ones who have a deep desire to help the planet in some way, who can’t stand superficial shit, are on a path of awakening and inner healing, and who have always felt sensitive to energies and other realms.

Beyond that, my definition of a lightworker is simple. You’re a lightworker if you feel called to use your intuitive and creative gifts to make a positive impact on the world.

If you look back over your life, you can see your gifts as a lightworker have always been there — even if you didn’t properly acknowledge them at the time.

The intuitive knowing. The creative genius. The word wizardry.
The ability to tune into others, hold space and go deep, fast.

So it’s about damn time you stop playing chicken with those gifts of yours and let them take center stage, don’t you think?

Your lightwork might manifest through being a doula or birth worker, a reiki healer, photographer, kinesiologist, health practitioner, breathwork facilitator, painter, nurse, life or business coach, massage therapist, personal trainer, yoga teacher, copywriter, beautician, graphic designer or florist.

The creations you may feel called to birth into the world with your lightworkin’ gifts at the forefront might look like:

➤  writing the book
➤  rocking the podcast
➤  guiding women back to their bodies through dance
➤  leading women’s circles or wellness events
➤  creating home-made beauty products
➤  selling your paintings
 or teaching creative workshops
➤  1:1 energy sessions, tarot cards or intuitive healings
➤  life and business mentoring 
➤  online programs and masterclasses to educate and inspire others, or
➤  creating a life that lights you up from the inside out


You keep dipping one foot in to your dreams, then the doubt makes you pull it back out and reach for your pro’s and con’s list again before you start.

You keep convincing yourself you aren’t ready yet, and keep darting your eyes around looking at what everyone else is doing instead of getting to work on your own creations.

You’re sick of your own shitty stories – I mean how many more times can you hear yourself saying ‘I don’t have enough money or time’? Even you’re getting bored of your own excuses.

You’re afraid of being judged by the people closest to you, especially when they not so subtly project their stories with comments like ‘Why don’t you just get a real job? What’s all that hippie stuff you’re doing? How is that going to pay the bills? Don’t do anything stupid!”


 Whether you’re in the beginning stages and just starting to dip your toe in on bringing those visions to life 



You’ve been rocking your lightwork for a little while now and you’ve lost your spark along the way when things got all-so-serious. You miss that sense of passion you once had and you’re craving a surge of fresh energy to reignite that inner flame…


…Lightworkers Academy is for you.



A 12 week activation and recalibration of your relationship with self, your commitment to serving and your embodiment of success. 

This is the home for the women who are ready to stop fluffing around and apologising for their gifts, and start to own their light and use it for the highest good.

Lightworkers Academy isn’t another airy fairy course full of affirmations and fluffy ideas.
It’s a powerful and straight-talkin’ space for you to OWN your purpose, get crystal clear on what you want to bring to life, and FINALLY take action on it without heady overthinking, endless comparison and paralysing self-doubt.


If you’ve been waiting for a permission slip and guide to lead you to a whole new level of self-belief and embodiment to rock out in the great work you’re here to bring, this is it.









Lightworkers Academy is for you if you’re the woman who;

Is multi-passionate and highly creative, so much so that you have a million ideas that having been collecting dust for a while now because you are too overwhelmed with options and don’t know how or where to even begin.

Is the queen procrastinator, with a double-dose of perfectionist on the side always feeling like you must have every single detail figured out before you start… which is causing you to never actually start

Is the firecracker of the Family with big visions backed up with even bigger self-doubt, putting so much pressure on yourself that you take on too much, freak out and burn out, and left wondering how you will ever sustain the energy of your vision

Is the ‘positive one’ of the group who feels called to teach wellness, self-love and sustainability to people around you, beyond just your family and friends, but you’re thinking ‘who will want to listen to me when there’s so much already out there’

Whether you’re a yogi, a coach, a teacher, creative or a healer (or none or all of these things), I know you’re being called to crank things up a notch and settle more into your power and use your voice in a way to help others

This is an invitation to lean into your light like never before.

Through this 12 week activation we dive into the 3 most important pillars of lifelong lightwork


MODULE 1: PURPOSE // Grounding your gifts and anchoring your most powerful vision as a lightworker

  • ➤  Deeply understanding your higher purpose and value as a Lightworker, without the self-imposed pressure cooker 
  • ➤  Identifying your “gold medal” vision. This alone will change the game with how you direct your focus without fear of failure stopping you
  • ➤  Have a fuckload more fun being YOU! Ditching the self-doubt and ground into your gifts and unfiltered expression. 
  • ➤  Taking the energetic charge and pressure off your purpose and being in the energy of your highest creative potential NOW (not in 6months)
  • ➤  Dissolving comparison and letting go of judgment of others hanging over your shoulders, and giving yourself permission to rock it your own way
  • ➤  Understanding Ego success VS Heart success and why you’re never feeling like you’re doing enough, no matter how much you do!
  • ➤  Attracting opportunities to support your great work by focusing on inner alignment over external validation
  • ➤  Move from procrastination and perfectionism to productive and creating on purpose and in alignment
  • ➤  Let go of the ‘I’m not enough’ crapola weighing you down, and show up with embodied self-belief 

MODULE 2: POWER // Activating your authentic power (and rocking the fuck out with it)

  • ➤  This conversation goes well beyond flower crowns and deeply into owning the Queendom you are here to create, for yourself AND your community
  • ➤  In order to rise, a part of us must die; Together we lovingly explore the habits, behaviours and unconscious limitations of your feminine lineage to both honour the past and bring freedom to future creations
  • ➤  Re-defining power in a way that is true for you so it no longer feels like a punch to the solar plexus when you see another Woman in her power
  • ➤  Deeply respecting your own lightforce energy, creative rhythms and the way your unique energy is expressed
  • ➤  Owning your authentic voice without fear, shame or judgement – let’s clean out the cobwebs of that throat chakra babay!
  • ➤  Ground into your power as a teacher, creator, change-maker, leader, coach or speaker in your own way
  • ➤ Understanding the power of self-trust as your superpower

MODULE 3: PROSPERITY // Letting go of the lack thats holding you back and allowing yourself to abundantly receive for your lightwork. 

  • ➤  Comparison and jealousy is only lack and keeping you stuck from your own success, let’s eliminate it for good so you can get on with creating.
    ➤  It is our responsibility to receive for our hearts work – I invite you to have a quantum shift around money, and never go back.
    ➤  Ditch the guilt, shame, ickiness around earning from your spiritual work and creative gifts.
    ➤  Untangle outdated thoughts, feelings and beliefs around abundance and find your financially supportive sweet-spot
    ➤  Welcoming in abundance starts with releasing energetic charge from the past and trusting yourself to hold it – it is safe for you to be powerful now
    ➤  Clean up patterns keeping you in the energetic identity of ‘I never have enough’ and no matter how hard you work, you can’t seem to shift it
    ➤  Developing a fun AF new relationship with money so together you can create beautiful change and impact in the world
    ➤  Understanding abundance as an embodied experience 



Here’s what you receive through our 3 month deep-dive


We meet together live 3 times a month;

2 x 45minute lightworker trainings with Trace where we deep dive into each topic and get into the juice of what’s holding you back and keeping you stuck, and 1 guest teacher call per month. (You will receive a full call schedule in advance so if you can’t join us live, you can access the recordings for life.)


Fortnightly short and sweet check-in’s from Trace that will keep you plugged in and powered up on your mission. Think of these as unfiltered Trace truthbombs on speed dial.


Each month we have a guest teacher drop in with us to bring their unique toolkit to help you clear the fear and embody your gifts on a deeper level – think live EFT sessions, breathwork and embodiment practices. 


You are linked with 4-6 other lightworkers from around the globe to support and connect with throughout your journey. Chances are, these women will become your lifelong friends! 


And of course, Trace’s signature NO BS, straight-talkin’, love drenched support along the way to call you forward into your highest potential

A little bored of fluffy affirmations and the same old spiritual lingo….
GOOD NEWS FRIEND — you won’t be seeing any of that around here.

If you’ve been in my world for a while now you’ll know that I don’t teach the usual textbook way because… snoozeville.

I believe we can be having profound transformations, huge energy shifts and learn life-changing spiritual truths all whilst laughing our heads off, cracking our hearts open, sharing incredible stories, receiving fiery AF truthbombs that move you to tears (in the best of ways) and having a shitload of fun along the way.

And I’ve been known (and loved) for bringing exactly that energy to the table everytime I teach.

Speaking of hilarious fired-up MF’s… let me formally introduce myself!

Hey..I’m Trace!

My party trick is activating your authentic power. No biggie!

I’m a Soul and Biz Mentor. Mamabear to an energetic 2 year old. A freckly farm chick. An old school soul. A hilarious MF. A sea salt chip addict. And a leader for the next generation of Lightworkers. 

I write, talk and teach about going big with your lightwork! I’ve been rocking this gig since 2015 and have coached hundreds of women out of fear + not-enoughness, and into their power as lightworkers through one-to-one coaching, mastermind group coaching, online programs, live events, and my Live Your Lightwork podcast.

I am a published author, and if you haven’t read Rock Your Light; Lessons for LIghtworkers and Spiritual Straight Talk to Make Shit Happen, add it to your list!    

One of my main gifts? Helping you cut the fluff and get moving on your mission.I know how to draw your light and gifts out and help you start acting on them…like, now!

That’s *my* lightwork – I get you to quit overthinking, and believe in yourself enough to go for it.

 That’s why I created Lightworkers Academy. 

To help you become who you’re here to be and   unapologetically rock-the-fuck-out of your own light.


We kick off March 7th with our Opening The Portal Call.

LIVE GROUP TRAINING TIMES (You will receive these call times and links upon joining)


Tuesday March 7th 10AM AWST.

Wednesday March 15th 10AM AWST

Thursday 23rd March1:30PM AWST


 Tuesday April 4th, 10AM AWST

Saturday April 15th, 1PM AWST (this is a 2 hour breathwork ceremony)

Tuesday April 18th 10AM AWST 


Tuesday May 2nd, 10AM AWST

Tuesday May 9th, 10AM AWST 

Tuesday May 16th, 10AM AWST 


I joined LWA on the very last day. I was that person who read the sales page over and over…but my inner critic was super loud and kept questioning if I really needed (aka deserved) to invest in myself. It felt super stretchy and scary…but to say I’m glad I followed my intuition…is an understatement! 

Sometimes Tracey didn’t tell me what I wanted to hear…but actually what I needed to hear so that I could get over my fear of being seen and really step into my power. I now have so much more confidence in myself and it’s had the flow on effect into my business too! I am working with the most amazing clients and I also launched my first online course!

Lightworkers Academy will change your life. Everyone needs more Tracey Spencer in their life and I’m forever grateful for her and the magical community she built. Anything is possible when you’re part of Lightworkers Academy.”

– Tahryn Bolt

Lightworkers Academy gave me something that changed the course of my life this year. Trace’s lit, no nonsense approach planted seeds in my mind and it was exactly what I had been seeking – the lightbulb moment of my life! Trace’s guidance and the online support in the online group feels like one giant virtual hug!.”

– Anita Lee

So… it looks like you’ve made it to the bottom of the page, which tells me a couple of things…

You’re reading this page and the whole time thinking, ‘SHIT, is Trace in my head? This is what exactly what I’ve been looking for!’

Buuut at the same time, another voice is piping up with some hesitations (totes normal).

I know there are fears in your mind right now that are stopping you, so let’s break ‘em down, shall we?

“Trace…what if I’m not spiritual enough?”

This isn’t a course in being spiritual, it’s a course in being all of you.

I don’t care if you can meditate for 5 hours or if you go to yoga every single day.

All that matters is that you have the courage to follow the voice in your heart. THAT is spirituality to me. If you’re all in on that, then this space is perfect for you.

“It sounds like this course will be bringing in some epic changes to my life…I’m worried my friends/partner won’t ‘get me’ because I’ve had to let go of people in the past and it scares me to do it again.”

Soul chat: I feel ya. I’ve been through this many times.

And let me tell you: it feels so much better to finally have a soul squad that fully accepts me and cheers me on. Aren’t you sick of filtering who you are? Because I was too. I created Lightworkers Academy to be that soul squad for you.

“I’ve done personal development/spiritual growth courses before and the concepts make sense but I still find myself stuck in my head…how is this any different?”

So many teachers can teach fluffy things but if you don’t have the fire behind it, nothing gets moving.

My lightwork – my gift – is cutting the BS excuses and reigniting your fire. That’s what I’m here to do. That’s what you’re gonna get from this 3-month incubator.

I don’t just want to teach you things, I want you to embody them 

“I’m ALL ABOUT bringing my creative visions to life. But I should be able to get there myself, right?”

Not asking for help is actually a super common way to block yourself from the next level of your potential.

For a long time, I felt like I had to do this work alone. But the reason Lightworkers Academy exists is because I finally started letting people support which allowed me to spread my wings and go big with my lightwork.


And finally open the floodgates to your own badassery

I found my voice, stopped caring what other people thought of me and became more confident in my purpose.

 “I found my voice, stopped caring what other people thought of me and became more confident in my purpose and the woman I’m here to be. I moved past scarcity money fears, officially launched my coaching business, held 3 Goddess Circles and received a clear download of a workshop I knew I had to create – and I then brought it to life using the creative spiral training.” 

– Loren Honey  


If I miss this round, when does the next round start?

This program runs ones a year. The next Lightworkers Academy will open doors March 2024. 

When does the course content start and finish?

We begin March 7th with our Opening The Portal Call, 10AM AWST. Your access to all of Module 1 (audio and video trainings) are ready to binge from Wednesday March 8th (after our opening call). All training calls for the entire 12 weeks are listed above and you receive all these call times and links in your welcome email so you can have them all scheduled months in advance. 

All calls are recorded and uploaded into your membership portal within 48hours. 

What if I don’t live in Australia?

Lightworkers Academy is for women all over the World – so far we’ve had lightworkers from New Zealand, Ireland, USA, UK, Canada, China and Brazil in our Alumni. We do our best to accommodate different time zones as much as possible with group calls and our community connection calls, and you will know the times weeks / months in advance to schedule.

What if I can’t make the live call times?

No problem – All group calls are recorded and uploaded to your membership site within 48 hours – you have lifetime access and can re-watch as many times as you desire.

What if I don’t have Facebook?

Lightworkers Academy is run through it’s own private portal — no facebook needed for any of this program! 

What do I receive as soon as I sign up?

You will receive a welcome email within 10 minutes confirming your spot in Lightworkers Academy with next steps and upcoming important dates to note in your calendar. (Be sure to check your spam or promotions tabs for this email). Within your welcome email you will receive all the information and key dates for training calls and how to login to your membership site ready for when we kick off!

Do I need to have a business to join the Academy?

Absolutely not! You may be dipping your toes into running your own business, you may have had a business for a few years but are feeling stuck and know there’s more, you might only have an idea of a business you want to create or a vision you want to bring to life and no idea where or how to start, you might be transitioning into your heart work slowly, or you might have no idea about what your purpose is – all options are perfect and welcomed. The inner work through Lightworkers Academy will elevate you wherever you currently are.

What if I don’t connect with the course, can I get a refund?

I wholeheartedly believe in everything I teach in Lightworkers Academy, I live and breathe this work and I deeply know that when you show up for these lessons and teachings, you will experience incredible shifts to your life and your business. However, if for some reason you aren’t vibin’ with the course, I do offer a refund within the first 2 weeks of the course only. Note: You will need to prove that you have been present on all live calls so far, listened to all audio and completed the journal prompts to the best of your ability, and if so I will happily refund you. If you pull out of the program during the first 2 weeks, you will no longer have access to your membership site or any of the Lightworkes Academy content. 

This is the first time I’ve ever done something like this, I’m a little nervous?

Sweet as – you’ve landed here for a reason. The nerves are often your cue that growth is coming and fear is the first sign of that! You will know within yourself if this is something for you – you might experience goosebumps when you read over the course, or just feel a strong intuitive knowing that you need to do this. Connect with my energy and you will know if I’m the teacher for you. And if not – honour the NO too. Let your own wisdom guide you here. Check in with those excuses from your head “Ohh I don’t have the money”, “I don’t have time for it”, “I don’t really even need it” – they could be the truth, or they could also be your fears in disguise distracting you and keeping you from the power that you know is waiting for you.

Do I receive 1:1 coaching from Tracey through Lightworkers Academy?

This is a group program, so you will not receive 1:1 private coaching with Tracey. You will have the opportunity through every training call and in our private membership portal to ask specific questions you need help with that Tracey can offer support and guidance with.

If I enrol on a payment plan, when is the next payment due?

If you enrol on a payment plan, for example the 4 month payment plan, you will pay the first payment on enrollment, then the second instalment payment is automatically debited in 30days from the day that you enrolled. This continues monthly until the 4 payments have been made over 4 months. In your welcome email you are sent information on how to update your payment details if needed throughout the program. 

If you have ANY questions at all about Lightworkers Academy or you’re not sure if this is right for you, please email hello@traceyspencer.com.au and let’s chat!

© Copyright Tracey Spencer 2023

We acknowledge and send gratitude to the Wardandi People as the traditional custodians of the country and it’s waters that Lightworkers Academy has been created and will be taught on.

We pay our respects to and honour all Elders past, present and emerging.